He is part of the depressing malaise of Welsh politics: incompetent, factional, parochial and narrow-minded. He might have been speaking out of turn (in policy terms) about abolishing the Senedd, but this is a question that should be seriously debated. What good have they done and are likely to do based on their past record? It's been 25 wasted years and in what way have lives been significantly improved? Abolishing prescription charges is easy. The money to do it didn't come from Wales. But the tough stuff: health, education, transport... all going backwards with no solution, no vestige of progress anywhere in sight. We are poorly, disgracefully served.

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Will I wouldn't expect you to be a supporter of any Conservative leader in Wales, perhaps I'm wrong? Who would you want in the Post?

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“The extremes of politics are never sated” is a brilliant line and encapsulates that the gap between the left and right ends of the political horseshoe isn’t as wide as its centre. In England the perfect example is Lee Anderson - blind follower of Scargill in 1984 and now Farage.

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